The Blog for Thinkers Who Display Common Sense

Ever wonder what people are thinking when they make a business, economical, political, or personal decision? I do. I was raised to have simple common sense. This blog is dedicated to the common sense thinkers of the world. We are a dying breed!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Falling Satellite

Am I the only one that sees this? Our country has spent billions of dollars on NASA projects. We have been to the moon multiple times. We have orbited the earth in space stations. We've even created the space shuttles that can land on a runway instead of the capsules that fell from the sky into the oceans. Wait a minute, did I say capsules would fall from the sky and land in oceans? Did these capsules during the free-fall through the atmosphere have the capability to steer. I don't think so. But NASA was able to pin point the capsules landing and rescue the astronauts. So, my point, NASA with its billions of dollars of technology, can't tell us where the falling satellite will/did land. With all of the technology circling the earth in the form of satelites, and who knows what governments have placed in orbit to spy on citizens, the best NASA can do is predict that the satellite will probably not destroy people or property. Here's where the common sense comes into play. NASA recently lost funding from the US budget for the space program. So, when the earth's inhabitants look to NASA for an answer to the question, "where will the satellite land?", NASA chuckles and sarcastically says, "wouldn't you like to know?". Common sense lesson of the day... Don't sacrifice knowledge for the sake of saving a few dollars. Rather, sacrifice frivolous government spending, $16 corn muffins? Do I need to say more?

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